Friday, October 29, 2010

Finally, we are actually given free time and assignments have stopped coming. Haha, just kidding, we have midterms this week. I've yet to present my Historical Globalization and Identity project and I envy the people who are already finished. It's like dropping 50 pounds off your back. I can not give up my childish desires for candy and treats, so people can expect a knock on their door this coming Sunday. I hate the non-spirited people who just keep their lights turned off to wade away the sugar craving mob of kids. At least we aren't dressing up as grim reapers and knocking on the windows of old retirement homes.

Hump day comes slowly to this week ridden with major assignments and midterms.  I didn't do bad on the Social unit test, which has given me back a bunch of confidence and relief back. This week isn't much of an interesting week either, but I've heard that we have some presentation that will take place during T.A tomorrow. Hopefully it is interesting and not one of those agonizing presentations where most students stare at the ground for an hour or so. Aside from that, it's was an easy Wednesday today, that's all I'm thanking God for right now.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do for my pursuit. It's already October, so I don't have a valid excuse to say that I don't have an idea for my pursuit. I seriously don't want to raise money, but I want to raise awareness. Maybe, I'll go volunteering to a homeless shelter, and drag like a few people along. Then again, that sounds really boring. I'm such an uncreative person. I need to consort with people of greater knowledge, hehehehe.

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