Thursday, October 14, 2010


Today was a chaotic day for us I.B children, or more so, a chaotic week. Despite having only a four day week, our workload has quadrupled from last month. We have to do an essay today and quiz today, a exam the day after, and doing homework for six hours a day. I was worried about our MDG presentations and our expectations, but I was relieved when Ms.Ponce graciously came over today in our social class and showed us some examples. I seriously need to chill, we still have 2 months to get together our presentation, but the anxiety from presenting to two other classes is nerve wrecking. I just need to overcome it, somehow.

In third period, we had an author come speak to us about her book. Some viewed it as a chance to sleep and not pay attention, while others actually took some in some information. I was dissapointed, unlike others, about missing third period, because we were cooking legumes in foods class today. Connie Massing, playwright and screenwriter read us a portion of her book. The men and women in her theatre group set out a road trip to explore south central Alberta. From gopher museums to gourmet dining, she expressed Alberta, that is often misunderstood as the cowboy province of Canada.

Things are looking good in China, officials are expecting an annual growth of 7.5% during their five year economic plan. In a few years, China might be the most economic superior country in the world possibly surpassing the United States. However, China is facing an economc imbalance problem. The poorest people are surviving off slum shops, selling shoes, clothing and other cheap accomadations. Not far away, is the business district, home to many hotels and multi-national companies. These two areas are seperated by a few hundred metres, and show China's successes and failures.

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