Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Opium war began in 1839 between the Qing dynasty and the British.The British wanted goods but the Chinese would only accept silver currency.When Opium began to be used recreationally, the British traded opium for silver.It became a highly effective solution due to its addictive nature.People started spending all their money on Opium which reversed China’s economy.

The Chinese dumped smuggled Opium into the sea and the British troops retaliated by wreaking havoc.An unequal treaty was signed, the treaty of Nanking, China had to open four ports to trade, and cede Hong Kong over to Queen Victoria.

In terms of colonization, China is interesting, because as an entire country, it has never been successfully colonized.Maybe around 5-10% of the country (consisting of important lands and seaports) has been under control by foreign countries.

-The Dutch took control of Taiwan.
-Portugal got its hands on Macao
-British got its hands on Hong Kong.

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