Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Today, Martin, a marathon runner and trianthalon champion came to our school to raise awareness about Right to Play. The 54 year old althlete has raised $110,000 by running across the country whether alone or with fellow Canadian students. In his daily life, he has to manage his eating habits by taking in 5,000 calories a day to maintain his weight. At his age, he’s probably going to be more physically active than I’ll ever be in my entire life, unless I become a WWE wrestler and not some accountant filing papers and doing your taxes with my face glued to the computer for 60 hours a week. Sounds like a really fun career.

China, as a whole country has never been successfully colonized. Maybe 5-10% of the country (important lands and seaports) have been under control by foreign countries. Hong Kong has been colonized by the British; however the Chinese were surprised by how prosperous their economy has been and how well the government has been established. The Dutch invaded and colonized Taiwan. Portugal got its hands on Macau. Hong Kong has been given back to the China recently in 1997. Western countries have supported the separation of China. Outer Mongolia, with the help of the USSR got its independence. North east and west regions were controlled by Russia until just recently.

In other news, China and the US are facing disputes amongst each other on the Dalai Lama. China is threatening Obama to not meet the Dalai Lama or else it will sever the trust between the two countries. I don’t know how this works, but Chinese officials say they don’t want inferences in their country affairs. China is also not open up to any sort of negotiations. The US was recently involved in a 6.4 billion arms deal with Taiwan which has angered Beijing. At the time being, the deal involved only defensive armaments but if this case was the opposite, Beijing would be infuriated.

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