Sunday, October 24, 2010

We had an amusing class discussion in Mr.Roculan's class on Friday. He did a survey on the stress level of students on a scale of "1-10." Most people raised their hand on the 10 mark. Mr.Roculan's perception on the stress level for the grade 10 honors class should be around 5-6. The stress level for grade 11 kids should be around 8. Now for the people who are really stressed out, imagine what grade 11 will be like. I'm going to be honest and say that out of all my classes, 90% of my stress comes from S.S and ELA. It's worst enough that the human mind is exhausted after thinking for 2 hours, now imagine working for 6 hours. I see that most of my peers are having troubles keeping up with their blogs. It sucks when your week is so busy, your forced to use the remaining weekend to frantically blog, which is exactly what I'm doing right now. Now imagine having an exhausted mind, it only becomes harder to pull words out of your head.

Here's what one of my most stressful days looked like. Alright, I walk into ELA and hear that the Igbo research assignment is due on Monday. I think it's cool, I'm sure I can complete using the weekend but the people presenting on Thursday should consider themselves EXTREMELY fortunate. I walk into my next class and hear that any outstanding work is due next Friday. I become a little more worried because I still had to finish a novel for the Conquest of the Broken Spears assignment. Yeah, I know that it was awhile ago, but it completely slipped my mind with the introduction of new assignments. I have lunch and go into my Food's class. Wonderful news, we have a unit exam, and I have 5 pages of information to memorize, along with a grain research project also due on Monday. Math class was no different, we have a formal worksheet due on, you guessed it, Monday, and our unit test was on the day after. It couldn't possibly get any worst when I had three blogs to catch up on.

The source of the stress is the amount of time we have to use each night to complete each separate task. As the day progresses, the more my thoughts get jumbled, and soon,  my judgment becomes impaired and my actions are carried out without thought. I almost brushed my teeth with vaseline one night because I was under so much trauma. The weekend; a three day grace  period where average North American families stay home from work and school to associate with each other, attend mass, go swimming, or paying a trip to the Saddledome to see their hockey team play. All of these things, I missed because of the numerous amount of work I had to do. I reflected upon my actions that week and honestly admit that I have not once procrastinated or goofed off that week.

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