Friday, October 22, 2010

Tight schedule this weekend,country historical globalization and identity presentations are coming. I envy people who still have "free time" to spend on their jobs, assignments and what not.

Presentations due dates for our country has come closer, and we can breath a sigh of relief because we don't have to add an MDG component to it since we are not that far advance yet. We don't have to present to the entire Grade 10 honors class so we can breath another sigh of relief. At first, I thought that we were presenting to like 80 kids and 3 teachers, but now I'm a whole lot less worried. Many people complain about blogging constantly which tremendously increases our workload, but I think it is a good thing because blogging for your country forces you to research and what you researched can be used for future presentations.

I'm planning to volunteer for "The Mustard Seed," an organization that helps the less fortunate in Calgary. Last year, they've provided emergency shelter to 2800 people, 397,000 meals, independent housing opportunities for 530 and much more. They are offering guest speakers to come and speak to church communities, organizations or schools. I might try to get a guest speaker to come to our school and talk about volunteering, maybe that will make it easier for some students to find a way to participate in the community, because people are running around panicking about how they are going to fail.

I can't say I'm excited about the whole grand scheme of things. I even regret joining I.B. For a person like me who has completely no spare time on the weekend to expend on assignments, I choose the wrong path to take. From day til dawn whether weekend or weekend, my mind is completely focused on school. Maybe that's why my old social teacher said that she envied the way I still had "free time" to burn last year. Of course, there's always the option of going partial next year.

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