Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Things Fall Apart

We've just finished Things Fall Apart and I wasn't surprised at the conclusion because people kept spoiling the ending. I understand Okonkwo's intention of reclaiming back their once prosperous culture and society, but if they fought back, the colonizers would only come back with their advanced technology and raze all their buildings away. It is a shame how the successors of Mr.Brown are closed minded to Igbo culture. The D.C. thinks he can write an excellent paragraph or two about Okonkwo's life when you can write a novel. It is Achebe's way of denoting how people pronounce that they know every single thing about Igbo culture and how society should be run, but really their goal of peace is created by destroying others.
Things Fall Aprt
For the project we were assigned earlier this week, our group has decided to do Religion and Colonization as two of our main themes. We're thinking about using PowerPoint for the basis of our presentation but it looks really boring, so we are still looking into that. Hopefully we could do a little video presentation but no one in our group really knows about how to put that together. Next week will be a more productive week if we don't run into even more assignments on our hands. Thank goodness it's a group project, I was thinking that I won't see the sun for awhile, being bottled up and working hard late at night.

Today, I've decided to start researching again for my MDG country, China. I looked into their diet and not surprisingly found rice. In Asia, this grain is very popular, but the only thing I know about it is that its white and oval and I eat it almost every day. Rice farming was the first grain that was cultivated in China that dates back to 5000 B.C. However it is not grown in northern China because the climate just doesn't support it. If you were wealthy enough, you could of bought or grown vegetables to put on your rice. Since meat was so expensive, people ate tofu as their source of protein. China didn't have lots of forests that could provide fuel, so Chinese people cut their food into small pieces so that it would cook faster.

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