Thursday, October 28, 2010

I seriously question why we have to do so much assignments. I know that homework is given when there is not enough class time, but creating more work on top of that such as multimedia presentations to convey information, posters, or other technological means to reinforce the information we've learned is really crappy. I miss the days when all we had to do were analytical papers, critical thinking, answering textbook questions, and responding to the text with supportive evidence. I miss old pen and paper work. How many times did we open our textbooks this year?

Through my eyes, education is becoming more reliant on technology. Learning was always on a hellbent mission to make it more "engaging" and "fun." "By creating more rigorous tasks to be done online, we can make students enjoy learning!" Seriously? It's no surprise that only 10% of Canadian children are physically active. We're cooped inside all day doing stressful homework. What do we do when we're stressed, we eat to try and cope with it.

Health nuts and scientists are blaming parents for bad eating habits, but can stress play a role? Teenagers can't go out and exercise and follow dreams and ambitions if a huge brick wall is in their way. Physical inactivity leads to osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes and much more. What's the use of working hard and being successful if your childhood health is affected leading to an earlier death. Man, it sucks being in I.B.

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