Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remembrance Day, Keynes vs Hayek

So today, in the aftermath of the Remembrance celebration, half of the class was present in Mr.Alger's class. Somehow we treaded off the topic of current events and went into the topic of sexism. In the end, it was a debate on who was tougher, the male, or the female? I'm relieved that by the end of this week, we have a four day weekend. This can either be great, or horrible depending on what people got on their report cards.

Next week we are starting Othello, written by none other than William Shakespeare, credited to be the father of modern English. I read like the first couple of pages and I am confused. Thankfully there is a little short summary on the left of very page because the way that Shakespeare writes is very hard to anaylze. Shakespeare's writing style was probably more easier to understand for people who existed during the times of the Renaisance.

On Monday, we are starting a brand new look on economics and why they differ. Hayek economics focuses on less government control where as Keynes economics focuses on more government control. These two different economic philosophies have been going head to head since the last century, the following video pretty much sums everything up.

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Hayek vs. Keynes
