Saturday, November 6, 2010

We watched a movie called "Simon Birch," where there was an adult man named Joe played by Jim Carey. He narrates his childhood about his best friend named Simon Birch who gave him faith to continue to believe in God. Simon Birch was considered an outcast, because he spoke the word of God which everyone had strong disbelief in. He is often alone except on most occasions where he hangs out with Joe.

Simon Birch died before the age of twelve. He died, saving children in a driving accident, and by doing so, practiced what he preached. Inevitably, the church community probably has a different perspective on Simon Birch for what he has done. Birch's message probably changed the lives of people around him, because he kept going on about God having a purpose for all of us, which is true.

Everyone in the world has a purpose, it's just that bad things keep happening in the world that we doubt the existence of God. Everyday we are faced with world catastrophes displayed by CNN headline news and people start to ask, "Is there really a God out there?" We need to stop worrying about our world and live life as it is, because before you know it, we'll be in Heaven with the big man up there.

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