Monday, November 1, 2010

Sigh, what a brutal week of math. Thank God, Mr. Alger was merciful enough to make the IA assignment due on Thursday. Apparently we are writing the Math midterm on Wednesday rather than today. We were intending to mark the Math midterm review, but it turns out that Mr.Green's class isn't planning to use the review as marks, so our class decided by a really unequal vote to not use the math midterm review for marks. I am really disappointed because I put all all into the review last night. It was brutal. I didn't have much time to work on my essay which really sucked. Sigh. I can only imagine what horrendous trials wait ahead for me on my report card.

Finally, this horrendous week has ended, and things are finally starting to settle down again. Term 2 is coming closer and closer, and I'm excited about going from Foods to Religion. My fellow I.B. students are envious because they have to take Science until December, hehe. Due to the surprising intensive nature of Foods class being replaced by Religion, I can finally have more time to focus on my other numerous assignments and projects.

Next week, I should begin worrying about my pursuit, I'm going to talk to Mr.Sauer if he has any ideas on where to volunteer. Snow is coming soon, so I want to volunteer before mother nature steers for the worse. I'm surprised that it's been this warm this year because by now we would be under 1 foot of snow already. I'm afraid that the library is after me, because I have an overdue book that I was suppose to hand in like a decade ago, they're probably going to put it on my school fees until I hand in the book.

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