Wednesday, November 10, 2010

William Ernest Henley

Yes, after a 24 hour period of unsuccessful googling attempts on Erin Moure, Patrick and me decided on a last minute attempt on Sunday to finish the project. The information on Erin Moure was scarce, and her poems were hard to find on the internet, so Patrick suggested that we do the poet who wrote "Invictus." William Ernest Henley was popular only to the literary class, for he was a journalist and admits that "there were as much readers as writers." Henley was the eldest of six children and throughout his life, he faced difficulties with his health already being the host of tuberculosis at the age of twelve.

Due to his health complications, his legs were forced to get amputated. He was the patient of Joseph Lister, a man who came up with the germ theory, stating that there were "microorganisms at work which created all the illness in the world. Many people started accepting this idea, because babies who were delivered by surgeons died more often that babies  who were delivered at home. The reason was that mothers wash their hands often, getting rid of any germs that were on their hands, while surgeons delivered baby after baby without washing their hands at all, spreading infections everywhere.

In the end, we were terribly unsuccessful in our last ditch attempt. Unfortunately, we weren't able to come up with anything unique because all of this occured on Sunday. We went to Mr.Sauer for help on the day before the weekend, but even him, had little information on Erin Moure. Since we couldn't find any more information after googling

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