Thursday, November 18, 2010

Shake Hands with the Devil

We watched "Shake Hands with the Devil," a movie about the Rwandan Genocide and centers around Romeo Dallaire, a general in the Canadian army. He is sent to Rwanda to settle down the dispute between the Tutsi and the Hutus. 800,000 people were killed in the aftermath and dead bodies were used to build bridges, it was an awful sight but delivered a powerful message. Although, Romeo Dallaire's intentions were right and just, he was unsupported by the UN council and was left to fend off with the little troops he had.

In the end, he saved many lives, but with the lack of resources, he was unable to stop this entire madness altogether. Romeo Dallaire was struck with a mental breakdown seeing so many dead bodies and being unable to do anything about it. There was a scene where the ground was littered with dead people, and Romeo Dallaire and his men had to actually lift up the dead bodies and move them away so they could pass through.

Mr.Sauer said that recently a year ago, a person got the chance to get Romeo Dallaire to speak at our school Father Lacombe, right before he carried the Olympic Torch. If only I was born a year later, I would have gotten the experience to see him in person. Shake Hands with the Devil is one of the most powerful films I watched, it opened my eyes to something that I've never experienced before, something I would never want to experience. With people like Romeo Dallaire, Canada can become a better place to live in.

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