Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hump day at last, I still can't find out why hump day is so special, maybe I'm just missing out on football or something like Mr.Sauer says. Othello has been going by really fast, were probably going to be finished by the end of this week. We can probably expect an analytical critical paper in the distant future or a major assignment. At the conclusion of Act 3 in Othello, Iago is finally promoted lieutenant in place of Cassio and has provoked Othello into a state of vengeance. Is Iago finally satisfied? or will he continue to crumble the relations of everyone?

Next period we had a social quiz, the first component went by really fast and the written component was a notch up higher on the difficulty scale. Many people exclaimed, "I failed that quiz," when lunch passed, so people were probably really troubled. It was about time we had a quiz anyways. I enjoyed that last week of freedom, now things are starting to pick up the pace again.

Things are going fast in math, we're learning new concepts left and right. Each department is trying to get students to donate some money, or a food item to help the less fortunate. To do this, however they are bribing us some free extra marks, so I thought why not. I'm still troubled by our MDG presentations, we are planning that they will take place on the last week before Christmas break, however Christmas is usually the time where people go forth and do major volunteering work. Unfortunately, I may have to squeeze in some time before Christmas break.

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