Friday, November 12, 2010

The Gods must be Crazy

We watched a movie in L.A called "The Gods must be Crazy." It was the closest thing to "Things Fall Apart." In the past, the movie was popular that broke box-office records around the world. There are many sequels however, only the first two movies were directed by the original people.

The movie is about a tribe of bushmen who lived in the sub-Saharan Africa peacefully until a pilot chucks a bottle of Coke down and coincidentally lands near where the bushmen settled. The coke bottle was useful and made executing daily tasks easier to accomplish. It was a fire starter, a cooking utensil and an object of mere controversy. In a couple of days, the bushmen started fighting over who gets to use it, so Xi decided to travel and throw the bottle off the edge of the world.

I can see why this movie is related to "Things Fall Apart," because they are both similar in the way that something new is introduced in an old traditional the way of life. Needless to say,  "TFA" and "TGMBC," differ only in the way that the Ibo got colonized while the bushman continued their status quo after Xi threw the coke bottle off the "edge of the world."

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