Monday, November 8, 2010


We've watched another movie! Thankfully for me that gives me something else to blog about! Gandhi was a strong political figure in Indonesia and is credited for his peaceful nature. When the British come to conquer, Gandhi came to the idea that India and Britain should have non-violent, non-cooperations. However the British ignored Gandhi's philosophy and massive riots took place and some lives were taken. The British took interest in India because the country it was a gigantic source of cheap labor. The British wanted to outsource and make jobs in India so they could pay them less and earn more.

The British wanted cotton for cheap, so they could make cloth and sell it back to them for a higher price. In the end, all it did for India is reverse its economy for the worse. India retaliated and burnt all the cloth they made as a sign of protest, the British thought Gandhi was the mastermind under the whole operation and went out to arrest him. India was seeking another way to make money, so they came up with the idea of exploiting their nature resource, salt. India is full of salt, you can take a bucket into the ocean, scoop up some water, drain it, and voila, there is a bunch of salt.

We didn't get that far in the movie, and what I've written is basically what I've gotten out of the movie. In the end, Britain finally acknowledges the rights of people. Gandhi is considered the national hero of India, for his non-violent campaigns and his quest for India's independence. Britain's economy was too wounded in the aftermath of World War 2, that they decided to hand over India, back to it's people, for they righteously deserve.

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