Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Before Mr.Alger departed on his trip to Florida, to unfortunately, go on a daily 10 hour conference, he left us with a challenge. During the course of that lesson, we learned more about sustainability and how resources are being depleted rapidly by the second. We probably have 40 years oil left in our life, until it is completely depleted. Fresh water is also depleting. The thought of future wars would be scary because, instead of fighting for oil, we will be fighting each other for water, because water is needed to sustain life on Earth. I remember in Grade 3 my teacher telling us that we'd probably have oil until we turn 40 or 50 years old. Now I know she wasn't kidding.

We did a test online for our ecological footprint. We went with the majority vote for each category and went with the average Canadian income. Turns out that if everyone lived our lifestyle today, we'd need at least 5.2 earths to fit the needs of all the resources required. In the end, before Mr.Alger left, he challenged us to blog about our daily ecological footprint, and I accept that challenge mainly because it gives me something to blog about!

Alright before I head off to bed, I will reflect on what I did today. For my dinner, I ate fish. Fish is like the main component of my diet, I eat it at least once every week. We learn last year in biodiversity that Earth's resource of fish has been exponentially decreasing by the introduction of new corporations arising. A company in Japan is actually buying all the Blue fish tuna they could afford, so that when they become extinct, they can have a monopoly on the fish that everyone craves. Its sad to see them doing this, because instead of trying to save them, they are thinking the extincting of the Blue fish tuna is inevitable.

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