Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Baby Vanga

Supposedly, WW3 is suppose to happen in the month of November as prophecized by Baby Vanga. I don't believe any of this is true, but the tensions between North Korea and South Korea are heating up. Maybe because of the fact that Kim Jong Il is about to choke any second now and he wants his son to lead the country like his father and himself did in the time of war.

Baby Vanga has been notorious for predicting the fall of the twin towers in 9/11 and she also correctly predicted the fall of the nuclear Russian submarine, the Kursk. Some of her other predictions is that China will become a world power, which has been clearly evident since their economic reforms in 1978 which led them to be successful as they are today. Look at Shanghai, the financial capital of China, all their skyscrapers are the result of China's economic success.

Apparently in the next thousands of years, we develop time travel, cloning, and get new diseases. Eventually we colonize Mars and search for more extraterrestrial life. A new prophet will come and a new religion will arise. All of these crazy things are the predictions of Baby Vanga. It is up to the person to believe these outrageous predictions or not.

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