Friday, December 17, 2010

Thursday Morning

Just decided to blog after I finished my Religion unit exam. I didn't do a bad job. Today is the day we have a conference in the afternoon. Mr.Alger suggests that we should actually think today. Were going to be finishing Othello and Blood Diamond today. I think I would have done a lot better if we watched the movie first and than read the novel after. At least I'll understand what is going on, but that is just my opinion. Today is going to be one of those days, this morning we are going to be watching movies, and in the afternoon we have the UN conference.

3 hours later
Finally, we finished a long day, I now have the math formal due, out of all the days. Unfortunately for other people, the gala is today will last until night, and that provides little time for them to do any work, but fortunately tomorrow morning, we are in the computer lab all morning to do any sort of work we need to do. The UN conference was cool, until the students from Texas started dissing Canadian culture with sterotypical jokes, but it was just friendly. So we said "How's the death penalty over there?" and then they disconnected. Turns out we were like a couple minutes late for the continuation of the UN conference.

At the end of the long tiring day, I threw out like virtually nothing, went to the bathroom minimal times, and barely ate dinner. I guess that's what happens when you work like a college student. Save the environment today, easily, by sitting infront of the computer doing homework the whole day! So at the end of the conference we did pledges, little things, or big, to create an impact on the world. I decided to turn off all the lights in the houses, except for the lamp infront of my computer that I use everyday to work.

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