Sunday, December 5, 2010


"No matter if you're Muslim, no matter if you're Christian, no matter the religion, we all are human," intones DK. War continues in the middle east, Iraq is having a hard time restructuring its economy. Giving the label of "3rd world country" to Iraq is even too generous. Their country is the center of war, a false crusade for peace. It's the stereotype that all Muslim's are from terrorist countries. What's next? Are they to be blamed for the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill?

Iraqi rappers voice reality, pain: 'We livin' in hell'

One of CNN's top headline news for today on December 5th. Lately in Iraq, rappers are expressing their thoughts and feelings through music, embracing western culture if you consider "North America" a culture. They speak not in their natural language of Arabic, but in English. The Members of Smashing Hits, models Eminem and Tupac Shakur.

The entourage wants to express the true culture of Iraq. Not the terrorists, and not the violence. Life is hard, even more than we ever could imagine. Be a Muslim, and your wanted for terrorism, become a Christian, and your wanted by your own people.

Rapped one member, "We livin' in hell and nobody hears our calls; everyday in Baghdad, our tears do fall."

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