Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fast Food

Holy crap, I've never felt so fat in my life. All I had was fast food the entire day, and I can feel my arteries clogging up. Time to hit the gym or something. Now awhile ago, I embarked on a mission to track my ecological footprint. All the trash and garbage that comes from packaging is the result of the destruction of the environment. McDonald's used to pack their Big Macs in plastic made containers which doesn't decompose for a couple of centuries.

First world countries, the center of power, and corruption. We've come a long way from the early times of Christopher Columbus and colonization. Now we live in a world of prosperity and innovation, but at the cost of the exploitation of natural resources and developing countries. By our current resource depletion rate, were going to be in a crap load of trouble if our fresh water supplies run out. Oil sands are known to pollute water to an extent where you can not filter it at all.

Thankfully, we live in Canada and own 30% of natural water reserves. It's not bad that Canada is a cold place at all because all our fresh water comes from glaciers. Back in the past, water has been sold to us for like 3 bucks a bottle. Not only does it cost more than a bottle of coke, it creates a lot of pollution. None of it actually comes from mountains or wild life where Bambi came. It's just really filtered tap water. That's why 1st world countries is the center of power and corruption. We have a whack load of money, but we deceive, and ruin the lives of others to get it.

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