Friday, November 25, 2011

                I read a book called: Opposing Viewpoints: Homelessness. Basically the Opposing Viewpoints series is written by a collection of viewpoints written by different authors. All the chapters contradict each other, for instance one chapter in the book was Society is tired of helping the homeless, while another chapter might be Society is helping the homeless. This book is an incredibly wealthy with information. I read this book because another sub goal for the eradication of poverty is:  Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all including women and young people. One memorable quote I found was:

“There have been trillions spent on murderous weapons and the military industrial complexes”
“Money for housing? The word is No. National health plan? Uh-uh. Social investment, public enterprise, child care, support for the elderly, research and development, progressive taxation, antitrust enforcement, environmental action, job security reindustrialization, economic justice- a thousand times No.”

Take a look at the little left widget on the right of my blog where it says "Cost of War to the United States."

Compare it to this which was taken approximately one year ago in December. Is putting in all that money really worth it? Could we possibly invest the trillions of dollars into something else like gee I don't know, healthcare?

This pie graph represents the distribution of taxpayer money in America into several categories according to 2008 statistics. It's ridiculous how much money is being spent on weapons of mass destruction.

Consider the following examples:
The cost of one these is a hefty $1.1 billion dollars. Approximately 52 of these have been built
The cost of one ship is enough to build 8 brand new hospitals.
One of these bad boys cost $737 million dollars.
The cost of one of these can build 86 brand new schools.

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