Friday, November 11, 2011

Ever thought that you could determine how prosperous a country is by looking at it during the night? There are at least 1.5billion people currently in the world who do not have access to electricity. People in these countries still rely on wood and charcoal for basic cooking and lighting. The only way they could get more access to light and energy is if they leave to another place. Speaking of electricity, did you know that only 2 billion people have access to the internet? That’s almost a third of our world’s population!

We should really consider how lucky we are to live in such a prosperous place.

Take a look at this video. Watch it in high definition to have a real blast. The International Space Station makes a flyby over the world at night. The thin green line surrounding our earth is actually our atmosphere. We can even see the stars in our skies. Take a good look at North America, look at how bright our cities look like at night. Now look at Japan and Europe. The same thing is evident. Lights, lights and more lights. The second map shows the first world countries (blue) second world countries (red) and third world countries (green). Notice any similarities to the first map? That's the point I'm trying to make.
                Now how on earth does this tie into poverty? Well in order for a country to be economically powerful, obviously money has to be present.  One of the sub goals for poverty is : halve the proportion of people who live on less than $1.25 a day. It's startling to know that over three billion people in the world live in such extreme conditions.
Last but not least, some other things to keep in mind:
8 million people die yearly due to hunger.
Thirty thousand children die daily due to poverty and easily curable diseases.
6 million children die annually before their fifth birthday due to starvation.

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