Friday, November 4, 2011

MDGs are a set of objectives that are believed to be achieved in 2015. They bestow a little more hope into the planet and are currently run under the conglomerate of government agendas. Although we haven't achieved all of the goals, a substantial amount of the world has been improved over the past few years. Will there ever be freedom from strife that rises from chaos? Will the malevolent and strong stop exploiting the brittle and weak to gratify their lust for power? Those are the questions I ponder when I merely scratch the surface of the problem. "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." A quote from Ghandi. If countries keep fighting, if revenge is justified, there can only be more hate. The liberty we experience today was wrought under the mad annihilation of others. After knowing this, I ask myself again, what role do I play?

I decided to take a look at a video to see what's up in our society. 173 million people in 2009 stood up for the millennium development goals. People are fighting against poverty, but also the false promises that our governments make in an effort to hide the reality of the issues. 101 million people in Asia are making a big noise for our leaders. 38 million people in Africa stood up to be counted as people who are dedicated to ensure poverty ends. 31 million people in the countries of Lebanon, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Dubai and Palestine are part of the greatest movement in history towards MDGs. 192,000 people in North America are also helping. I was surprised at this number because I expected a lot more people. Maybe I'm part of a nation that doesn't care much.

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